Tamiya 1:48 Figuren-Set Feldherren (10) Plastik Modellbau 300032557

Marke: Tamiya

  • Tamiya Figuren-Set Feldherren (10) 300032557 Modellbau 1:48 - Plastik Modelle
  • Artikelnummer: 208716

    Versandgewicht: 49 Gramm.

    Deutschland: Standard DHL Lieferzeit 1 bis 3 Tage.

    (Auslandsversand Lieferzeit 3 bis 14 Tage)

    * Alle Preise inkl. Mwst zuzüglich Versandkosten
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    Tamiya 1:48 Figuren-Set Feldherren (10) Plastik Modellbau 300032557

    Art.Nr.: 300032557 Art.bezeichung: 1:48 Figure-Set Famous Generals (10) About the Model 1/48 scale figure set depicting famous WWII generals. Set includes German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, American General George S. Patton, British General Bernard Montgomery, American General Douglas MacArthur, and American General Dwight D. Eisenhower (2 of each, total of 10 figures). Perfect for display with other Tamiya 1/48 scale models such as U.S. 1/4-ton Light Vehicle (ITEM 26531), U.S. Army Staff Car (ITEM 26528), and Kommandeurwagen German Steyr Type 1500A (ITEM 32553).

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